☥ 𓆗 ☥

Big fat depressed bi dyke trying to figure out how to draw regularly again. It’s shitposting central rn. Posts about OC stuff, the occasional art post, and my ever rotating hyperfixations. Currently actively into BG3, Yakuza, Dungeon Meshi, and Metalocalypse rn but I’m all over the place.


I’m also a Santa Muerte devotee with interest in brujería/hechicería and my original content reflects that, I don’t talk about it much though.
All my pages are 18+. Minors get blocked. Click heart for commission info.


Status: Depression closed but ask me if u rly rly wanna I’m easily convinced

Contact me on Discord (coyoxtl) or DM me on tumblr for commission inquiries.

My favorite things to draw are OCs, OCxCanon, NSFW, tattoos, and the occasional abstract psychedelic nonsense. I love line work and detail. I’m experimental and open to attempt almost anything, shoot your shot I dare you.

I’m currently in the middle of reworking how I do commissions. It won’t be THAT much different but I’m narrowing down what I offer. Not necessarily limiting them but having a baseline of refined quality and specific types of commissions to choose from. If you want something simpler than what I formally offer feel free to drop whatever you want in my Ko-Fi and I’ll get to them whenever!

B&W Character Illustration
Bust - $45
Waist up - $60
Full body - $80

My base commission type. I used to call these sketches but I work on them too much lol
Stuff like color and scenes/backgrounds can be added for an additional fee but I’d rather feel that out dependent on what you want. When it comes to color stylistically I’m all over the place so just talk to me babe.
An inclusion of another character is just double the flat rate. Sometimes I knockdown some dollars depending on the complexity of the poses.
Previous commissions:

NSFW commissions are publicly available on my Patreon!


some miscellaneous art examples :3